Thursday, November 29, 2012

Some door rust and new door seals

My car was going to be parked outside for a few weeks because my family was doing a kitchen remodel and my garage side was being used for storage. I decided that it was time to install the door seals that I had sitting in a box in the garage that had come with the car.
 Here you can see the top of the door, with no seal in the channel. There are scraps of the old seal on the ground, I had to scrape it out with a screwdriver. You can also see the rust treatment on the door sill (the purple gunk). This stuff stops the rust and converts it back into metal again. This rust had been hiding under the scuff guard. So far, it is the only rust I have found on the car.
Here is another better rust treatment picture.

I ended up replacing the door seals on both sides, and the rear hatch seal in the back. I saved the various hood seals for later on because my original ones were in terrific shape. I also saved the glass seals (for the front and back windows) for when the car gets painted and they are pulled out.

1 comment:

  1. I've read somewhere that vinegar is also a good rust remover. I've tried it, and the result it's just as good as scraping the rust using a sand paper. Thus, it can't be use for heavy corrosion like rust of old cars, for that what needed is an actual chemical rust strippers.

    Tanner Torchia
